Analytical Services

Do you have the capability or capacity to analyze the information required to support your logistics decisions? Do you have the tools to evaluate the cost and impact of your options?

There are many organizations that cannot justify the cost of establishing and training an organic logistics supportability capability. Experienced analysts are hard to come by and the non-recurring expenditure for purchasing the necessary tools can be costly. For those that can justify the expenditure, there are many organizations where it is difficult to maintain the levels of experience and competency required to sustain an effective analytical capability. There are also many cases where an organization cannot fulfil their supportability-related needs, simply because it is not within their capability, business strategy or interest to do so.

TFD is not just a software developer and retailer. With our team of highly-experienced supportability specialists, we can deliver the required output on your behalf and without the burden of software, training and resource setup costs.

In many cases, TFD Analytical Services will be the cost effective and practical alternative.

Further information about TFD tools, techniques, and methodology can be found on our downloads page.