The Most Sophisticated and Complete COTS Logistics Decision Support Tool AvailableIs There
Too Much Uncertainty?
Are you struggling to manage lifed components?
Are you having difficulty in predicting the effect on whole-life cost of varied component lives in mixed configurations?
Is changing usage and behaviour of your fleet impacting your ability to accurately predict future maintenance and resource requirements?
Do your forecasting and estimating tools lack the fidelity to accommodate real world complexities?
Supporting modern aeroengines is highly complex as many operational, environmental and inherent design factors affect fleet performance and availability. Predicting with confidence the demand rates, resource requirements and costs to support engines and their components is difficult to achieve over the timescale needed for investment decisions.
SIM was developed specifically for the Eurofighter EJ200 engine to provide an in-service support modelling capability. The demanding needs have been met by enhancing TFD’s proven MAAP whole life cost and support modelling software.
SIM is a deterministic, total ownership cost software that provides a comprehensive modelling environment and scenario architecture that can reflect all the typical triggers of support expenditure for aeroengines where safety and airworthiness are maintained by managing component installed life and configuration. To achieve this, SIM takes account of the need to manage systems with serial numbered parts with fixed lives as well as handling specific drivers such as Foreign Object Damage, secondary damage, overhaul, opportunity modifications and upgrades, and economic Minimum Issue Lives.
As well as MAAP’s capabilities to calculate all the key support resources of spares, people, skills, tools and facilities required throughout a fleet’s operating life, SIM enables evaluation of a wide range of operating, support, environmental and reliability and maintainability conditions to predict the impacts of potential or planned changes. Understanding these cause and effect relationship provides equipment procurement and support stakeholders with the insight necessary to make informed and auditable programme and investment decisions affecting cost, performance and risk.
Although SIM was designed for aeroengines, it is just as useful for any complex system where components are managed by individual serial numbers.

Through-Life Cost (TLC) Estimating and Management Planning
Total asset visibility and the ability to handle serialized and lifed parts
Predict future fleet conditions, including impact of modifications and upgrades
Analysis for FOD, secondary and subsidiary damage, and Minimum Issue Lives
Calculate and optimize resources and costs for a required operational availability (Ao)
Support 'What If' analysis of events, support scenarios and options
Serialized Item Management (SIM) – the Most Sophisticated COTS Logistics Decision Support Tool Available
Further information about TFD tools, techniques, and methodology can be found on our downloads page.